Thaxted Planning Inquiry

    • Client: Uttlesford District Council
    • Location: Thaxted, Essex
Thaxted Development Site
View from the tower, Thaxted
Churchspire Thaxted
Moothall Thaxtec

Our Heritage and Landscape specialists acted as expert witnesses on behalf of Uttlesford District Council in this appeal against refusal to grant planning permission for 120 new houses on agricultural land to the north of the historic market town of Thaxted.

“There is no town in north Essex - and very few in England - to equal in beauty, compactness and juxtaposition of Medieval and Georgian architecture, the town of Thaxted.” Sir John Betjamin

We successfully demonstrated the harm that the proposed development would have on the character and appearance of the countryside, and the setting and significance of key heritage assets, including the Grade 1 Listed Church of St John the Baptist, and the Conservation Area that covers the town's historic core.

The planning inspector concluded that the benefits of the proposal would not outweigh the harm, and the appeal was dismissed.

"A resounding success." Joseph Cannon, Cornerstone Barristers


People involved