Who We Are
About us
Our People
What We Do
Natural Environment
Built Environment
Historic Environment
Who We Work With
Natural Environment
Built Environment
Historic Environment
Conservation Courses
Conservation Courses
Contact Us
Who We Are
About us
Our People
Adrian Gascoyne
Neil Harvey
Peter Dawson
Tim Murphy
Susan Beckwith
Abi Milsom
Adam Sultan
Alison Wheatley
Almudena Quiralte
Amy Flint
Anna Harris
Archie Lack
Azizul Karim
Ben Sheills
Caroline Sones
Catherine Bailey (1)
Ceri Maxwell (1)
Charlie Sproul
Charlotte Smith
David Buckley
David Green
David Sorapure
Dominic Fitzsimmons
Ella Gibbs
Emily Vuyk
Emily Wood
Emma Simmonds
Emma Woodley
Gen Broad
Hamish Jackson
Hannah Coutts
Hannah Henderson
Hannah Rae
Hannaya Watts
Hayley Dean
Helen Saunders
Jack Wannell
Janneke Gilissen
Jasmine Regan Feldman
Jason Yates
Joe Feeney
Jonathan Crane
Katie Lee-Smith
Kim Howell
Laura Cohen
Laura Johnson
Lucy Addison
Luke Bristow
Marcin Krzewicki
Maria Kitts
Maria Medlycott
Mark Baister
Mark Davis
Megan Breen
Megan Cowell
Meg Garwood
Melissa Wilson
Neha Patil
Richard Havis
Robin Mathieson
Rosie Follett
Sabrina Nash
Sam Hazell
Sam Pace
Sam Williams
Sarah Coupat
Seren Wilson
Seth Lambiase
Sue Hooton
Teresa O'Connor
Vimbai Foroma
Vincy Chung
Alice Cattermole
David Coleman
John Williamson
Katherine Wood
Lewis Herbert
Maggie Baddeley
Natalie Oakes
Paulette McAllister
Roger Beecroft
Silke Gruner
Tim Parton
Assistant Ecological Consultant
Principal Arboricultural Consultant
What We Do
Natural Environment
Planning and Regulation
Environmental Constraints Analysis
Environmental Project Management
Tree Risk Management
Trees and Development Consultancy
Local Government Support
Expert Witness / Litigation
Subsidence Investigation
Woodland Appraisal and Management Plans
Countryside Management
Built Environment
Strategic Planning
Development Management
Pre-application Consultations
Neighbourhood Planning
Public Art
Public Art Policy
Public Art Programme Development
Artist Selection and Management
Community and Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement
Exhibition Development and Management
Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
Building with Nature Accreditation
Local Plan Design Support
Development Management Design Consultancy
Masterplans, Design Guides and Codes
Development Briefs and Site Disposal
Facilitation, Training and Community Engagement
Landscape Design and Implementation
Landscape Assessment and Planning
Landscape Strategy
Landscape and the Community
Flood Risk Management
Lead Local Flood Authority Services
Planning, Pre-application advice and SuDS services
Watercourse Regulation and Flood Alleviation Scheme Design Serivces
Historic Environment
Planning and Listed Building Advice
Historic Environment Records
Heritage Assessment
Management of Heritage Assets and Historic Places
Research and Publication
Traditional Building Skills and Conservation Training
Who We Work With
Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessment for Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon, South Warwickshire Local Plan
Assessing the use of GIS to produce woodland creation historic environment opportunity /targeting maps
Assessing the use of GIS to understand zones of woodland creation sensitivity around designated heritage assets
Historic England High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) Listing Project
Habitats Regulations Assessment - including – Appropriate Assessment for the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan
South Norwood Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
Heritage Strategy
Welwyn Garden City Estate Management Scheme – Design Guide
South Lowestoft / Kirkley Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Plan
Hatfield Heritage Assessment and Characterisation
Central Bedfordshire Heritage Impact Assessments
Goldlay Square
Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessments
London Archaeological Priority Areas for Waltham Forest Borough
North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (NNJPU) Landscape and Urban Design SLA
The Essex Design Guide
London Archaeological Priority Areas for Islington and Camden Boroughs
Central Bedfordshire Design Code Guidance
Desborough South Design Code
Essex Planning Protocol
Southwold Character Area Appraisals
‘Hatch’ 2018
Locum support for Hertfordshire Ecology
Arboricultural Advisory Services Framework - Detailed Tree Investigations
Habitats Regulations Assessment for RSPB Wallasea Island passenger ferry
Heritage, natural capital and ecosystem services: Coastal Grazing Marshes
Henley Gate Garden Suburb, Urban Design and Landscape Consultancy
Leaky Dams in Harlow
Bespoke Bats and Trees Training
Forestry Commission - Sweet Chestnut Blight Survey
Mill Road
Public Artwork at Anglia Ruskin University's Science Centre
Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils Landscape and Ecology Consultancy SLA
Mesolithic in Essex
Elizabeth House
Flood Scheme Desk-based Assessments
Tree Policy - London Borough of Barnet
Trumpington Meadows Local Centre
Dunton Hills Landscape Corridor Assessment and Proposals
Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan SEA
Woodlands Project
Leaky Dams in Thaxted
Steeple Bumpstead Planning Inquiry
Vulnerable Conservation Areas Assessment (1)
Trumpington Meadows Riverside
Hatfield Forest Conservation Management Plan
Braiswick Primary School
Jumbo Tower, Colchester
Epping historic environment characterisation project
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan
Lexden Road, Colchester
Boston Townscape Heritage
Tree Inspections for The Royal Parks
Michael Pinsky Sculpture at Anglia Ruskin University
Bexleyheath Town Centre Regeneration Phase 2
Chelmsford Public Realm
Buildings at Risk: testing Historic England's national tool kit
Stickman Trail
Thaxted Planning Inquiry
Silver End Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
Public Artwork in West Bletchley
Trumpington Meadows Phases 10 & 11
The Reveal
SuDS: National Guidance
Hadleigh Park Signage and Interpretation Scheme
Special Roadside Verges
Clacton Lights
Tree Inspections for the London Borough of Hackney
Managing the Essex Pleistocene
Forestry Commission Woodland Inspections
Legacy Grazing
London 2012 Olympic Mountain Bike Venue and Legacy Project
Brooklands Gardens
Trinity Square
Flitch Green School
Historic Grazing Marsh Survey
Home Sweet Dome
Jaywick Doorstep Green
Essex County Council Triennial School Surveys
Waddensea WHS
Landscape Character Assessment
Essex Biodiversity Validation Checklist & Toolkit
Brentwood High Street
Seaside Heritage
Quinquennial Inspections
North Harlow Town Centre Public Art Strategy
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Danbury Lakes Restoration
The Naze Education and Visitor Centre Heritage Statement
Wells Park School
Protected Lanes
Ramsden Hall School
Buildings At Risk
Springwood Drive Recycling Plant.
Manuden Conservation Area Appraisal
Guithavon Bridge
Open Space
SHINE data
Queen Boudica School
Ambresbury Banks Conservation Management Plan
Barking and Dagenham Historic Environment Characterisation
Postgraduate Medical Institute - Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford.
Aerial Photographic Assessment of the Bramford to Twinstead Pipeline
Park and Ride, Chelmsford, Essex.
Ray Island Historic Landscape Survey
Colchester Passageways
Maldon Historic Skyline Survey
Geodiversity Character Areas
Wickford High Street
Hatfield Forest Historic Landscape Survey
Defending the Thames
Camulos Primary School
Shenfield Place, Gas Mains Replacement
WESTMINSTER AND WHITEHALL: London Urban Archaeological Database Phase 3a
Natural Environment
Protected Species Calendar
Essex Tree Palette
Essex Biodiversity Validation Checklist
Carbon Footprint
Target Setting
Built Environment
Essex Design Guide (2005)
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Urban Place Supplement (2007)
Essex GI Strategy
Historic Environment
We're Hiring
Mark Baister Promotion
Seren Wilson Promotion
Meg Garwood Promotion
Ryan Mills promotion
Join us for trees and building subsidence workshop
Green Essex Story Map Live
Place Services takes on the Three Peaks Challenge
Public Art Commission: Invitation for expressions of interest
Planning Skills for Councillors
Planning Awards 2020
Carbon Literacy Training delivered across Place Services
Tim Murphy London to Paris
Landscape Promotions
Laura Cohen: First ever female bearer in the Dunmow Flitch Trials
Our Carbon Footprint Report 22-23
Walk along the Thames and learn about climate change
Roman and Bronze Age Settlements unearthed near Abberton Reservoir
Defending London: Walk Tilbury to Coalhouse Fort
Interested in Archaeology?
See a live excavation
Ella Gibbs: Award Nominee
Archaeology Day: Magnificent Mammoths and Avid Archaeologists!
Community Excavation at Weald Hall
The Weald Hall dig comes to an end
Young Planners' Conference 11-12 October 2024
Calling all River Hunters!
Place Services Away Day - Aboard the Waverley
New project to revolutionise Essex’s historic environment records
Defending London: Walk Tilbury to Coalhouse Fort (1)
RTPI Young Planners’ Conference 2024
Markshall Estate Volunteer Day
Stories from History
Windows to the Past
Excavating Weald Hall
Finds Roadshow
The Festival of Essex Archaeology & Heritage
Conservation Courses
Conservation Courses
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Green Essex
Vehicle Crossover
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