Masterplans and design frameworks can be used by local authorities to outline their aspirations for areas of change and to help bring forward development.
We apply our expertise from producing award winning design guidance on a range of town centre, housing and public realm projects. This typically involves a baseline analysis of issues, consideration of options, key stakeholder consultation and viability testing. Our approach is holistic, visionary and responds to context, using our multidisciplinary skills, collaborating with key stakeholders and clearly articulating proposals supported by a range of illustrative techniques.
Place Services is at the forefront of best practice design guidance and also produces design codes. Our work is evidence-based, balances aspiration with viability, is clear and enforceable, yet promotes creative thinking.
Our pioneering Essex Design Guide made its first appearance 35 years ago, setting out to protect the quality and identity of local places considering commercial pressures for generic housing typologies. The updated Guide is award-winning in its own right and is accompanied by an ‘Urban Place Supplement’. Place Services also produces guidance covering specific development issues, such as the design of schools, car parking and the public realm.
For more information about our work with masterplanning and design guides, please contact us.