We are a recognised historic environment service provider by the IHBC
We provide archaeological and historic building advice for all aspects of the historic environment in the planning process, and for listed building consent. Our professional and impartial approach helps to ensure local planning authorities, property owners, and developers effectively meet their obligations under national planning guidance, local planning policy and legislation. In the face of reducing budgets, local planning authorities can benefit from economies of scale by taking advantage of our long established pool of expertise.
Our services can include:
pre-application enquiries
screening and appraisal of development proposals and listed building consent applications
provision of written advice and recommendations
briefs for site investigations, assessment of contractors Written Schemes of Investigation, and monitoring of archaeological field work and historic building recording
monitoring reporting, publication and archive deposition
enforcement (urgent works and repair notices)
strategic planning, including local plan policies
expert witness for public inquiries and examinations in public
To find out more about our different models of support for local planning authorities contact us.