She has a wealth of experience in applying ecology to the planning system at all levels. She provides development management and spatial planning advice to local authorities, providing advice and support on a range of county and district planning matters regarding small and large development proposals, including major housing schemes and has a particular focus on minerals and waste developments. She is experienced in securing long term management agreements to provide compensation and biodiversity net gain. She produces Habitats Regulations Assessments for small developments, local plans and other strategic documents and has experience of public inquiries and examinations in public.
Emma also has experience in the management and protection of statutory and non-statutory wildlife sites and developing partnership approaches. She firmly believes in delivering outcomes in biodiversity conservation through partnership working. She is used to interpreting complex wildlife legislation and planning policy for a wide variety of stakeholders.
Emma is used to delivering projects; she has considerable experience in coordinating the Special Roadside Verges project for Essex County Council, in partnership with Essex Wildlife Trust and the County Council’s highways partners.
She also has experience of local authority environmental scrutiny and policy development at a senior level; statutory site designation; management of a habitat and landscape creation grant; protected species (eg bats, reptiles and great crested newts) and botanical surveying, volunteer support; producing management plans and is a GIS user.
Emma is also a long-standing member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and Association of Local Government Ecologists.