Hamish Jackson

Hamish is a Senior Ecological Consultant at Place Services and has over seven years’ experience as a professional ecologist. He graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2017 with a degree in Conservation Biology and has previously worked for the Field Studies Council and Suffolk Wildlife Trust, planning and delivering environmental education courses and events.

Hamish provides advice to local planning authorities to ensure that they meet their statutory and non-statutory requirements for biodiversity. This involves delivering workable solutions for complex ecological planning issues, to ensure that projects will conserve and enhance the natural environment and meet wildlife legislation and policy. This includes a good understanding of the Environment Act and how to assess and deliver measurable biodiversity net gains via the use of the Biodiversity Metric. He is also proficient in delivering Habitats Regulations Assessments for plans and projects and regularly provides advice on how local planning authorities can meet their legal requirements for European and International designated sites.

Hamish also holds Natural England Class Licences to survey Hazel Dormouse and Great Crested Newt, and has significant survey experience for Protected and Priority species, while delivering Ecological Impact Assessments. In particular, he has a specialism in Hazel Dormouse ecology and has presented research on dormouse habitat suitability in the East of England at the 10th International Dormouse Conference.

Hamish is an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, as well as a member of the Association of Local Government Ecologists.