Sue Hooton

Sue is Principal Ecological Consultant at Place Services and has over 30 years’ experience as a professional ecologist across a variety of sectors. Her expertise in ecology is complemented by considerable experience of embedding and applying this specialism particularly to the planning system at all levels.

She has a strong public service background and a track record of using this to avoid delays and find workable solutions to support sustainable development. She is used to interpreting complex wildlife legislation and policy for a wide variety of stakeholders from Councillors to Local Nature Reserve committees and is passionate about delivering outcomes through partnership working.

Sue has been a key ecology specialist for local authorities providing advice and support on a range of planning matters from Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects to County Council and District/Borough development including giving evidence at Public Inquiries. She also has over 15 years protected species experience with survey licences for great crested newts, bats, barn owl and Roman snail, as well as being the named ecologist for a bat mitigation licence.

A Chartered Environmentalist, Sue is a founder member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, a long-standing and active member of the Association of Local Government Ecologists national executive committee and an affiliate member of the Landscape Institute.